They say you can't go home again and they're right... but who says you can't go visit?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ev'rybody get together

Just a few photos from last evening's get-together at the Plymouth Park Pavilion.

When we arrived shortly after 6:30 the event was well underway.

As the evening went on more and more folks arrived -- and more difficult as it got darker, until somebody found the lightswitch (sometime after this picture was taken). The place was hopping by that time.

A group photo of the Eastlawn alumnae present. Kathy kept complaining it was difficult to get a good shot because we were acting like second-graders. But Kathy, it's Eastlawn Elementary!

I look forward to tonight's event.

1 comment:

  1. What a great time last night! So glad you and Kathy came!
