They say you can't go home again and they're right... but who says you can't go visit?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"She's not seen all the pretty parts!"

On my flight from Seattle to Atlanta today I wound up seated next to a Michigander from Traverse City, returning from a visit with her daughter who recently moved to Seattle (and not yet experienced our gloomy dark winters).

I told her about our visit, and how Kathy just loved Michiganders and what little she's seen of Michigan, and my seatmate said, "She's not seen all the pretty parts!" Yup.

But it was surprising to hear about the climate differences between Traverse City and the lower state. Frost possible by Labor Day? Not good. Though I remember as a boy hearing Pellston labeled on some TV program or another as "the icebox of Michigan" (the lower peninsula)?

But we must make that tour.

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