They say you can't go home again and they're right... but who says you can't go visit?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plan change

Between the last post and now a lot has changed. Most of it to do with upcoming travel: my "summer at home" is now shot through with short trips, though at least they are no further East than Milwaukee (so far). Not that the extra distance to the East Coast makes much difference.

But my European meetings for next year are being set and between Madrid in April and Stockholm around October, well, I just need to take Kathy with me and tour the scenic locales. (My mother has long told me I'd love Spain, and Kathy seconds the motion.) She knows these places and speaks the languages fluently, which is an asset. But those trips alone will blow next year's travel budget.

So maybe the Grand Tour of Michigan will have to wait until 2012.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Goodbye for now

Dear readers,

I should have done this a few weeks ago, but allowed myself to get caught up in the whirlwind of this spring's travel season first. Back a few days ago from the second business trip in as many weeks, I fly out soon for another running through next week... and so on until the end of May after which, if nothing else pops up, I will have a *long* stretch at home before things pick up again in September.

In any event, last summer's visit back to Midland is receding. It leaves in my memory an odd and sad overlay of Midland as I saw it recently on the Midland I remember.

Truly you cannot go home again.

Our thoughts of a second visit next year, encompassing more of the state, remain. But until we start planning that, barring things unforeseen I will have nothing more for the blog. But I will leave it open, and will be notified of any comments.

