They say you can't go home again and they're right... but who says you can't go visit?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Random notes

It seems we're not the only reunion in town. On checking in at the Hampton yesterday there was another couple here for the joint 30th (35th?) MHS&Dow reunion. Something happened to their plans but they're coming anyway and punting. Good for them and I hope it goes well.

Poked my head out a bit ago and it looks like the thunderstorms I saw in the forecast aren't here. So the golfing group should be having a good time. (It's not as early as it appears; the clock on this blog is set to Pacific time and it just might be confusing to adjust it now).

Visiting at the get-together last night was great fun -- especially when old memories started to revive above the "I remember your name" level. But memories can be awfully slow awakening from fourty years of slumber, so if I don't remember things at first please remind me.

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